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MiniM Additional Tools | Nov 19, 2016

Cache Tools / Developer Tools for InterSystems Cache

Download Cache Tools
* Requirements and Installers
* Installing on Windows
* Installing on Linux
* Installing on MacOSX
* Server Part
Cache Tools
* Define Connections
* Cache Login
* Global Editor
* Global Editor Settings
* Routine Editor
* Routine Editor Settings
Uninstall Cache Tools
* Uninstalling on Windows
* Uninstalling on Linux
* Uninstalling on MacOSX
* Disable Server Part
Documentation in one PDF file


Requirements and Installers

Cache Tools is a set of two applications:

  • Cache Routine Editor
  • Cache Global Editor

In depending of the target operating system this tools can be united by Cache Tools Launcher.

Cache Tools are ported to the following operating systems:

  • Windows 32 bit
  • Linux i386
  • Linux x64
  • MacOSX

If you want FreeBSD 32 or FreeBSD 64 versions of Cache Tools for Intersystems Cache, notify at email Support.

Windows version can be run under Windows x64 version too.

Server side of Cache Tools is an InterSystems Cache server, and tools are working over TCP/IP network, so are independent of the server's operating system and processor architecture.

Cache Tools does not tested and does not support (fully or partially) the following:

  • Classes editing
  • CSP editing
  • Projects editing and emport or export of projects
  • Unicode Cache instances and unicode data in globals
  • Cache versions prior than 3.

Cache Tools is a licensed software and to work without any nag-screens requires purchasing of license key. Anyway, Cache Tools can work without entering license key - this mode was made for testing and evaluating software.

Cache Tools are ports of MiniM Client Tools to work with InterSystems Cache instead of MiniM Database Server, and, becouse Cache does not support FreeBSD or Linux on ARM, Cache Tools does not ported to FreeBSD and to Linux ARM. Unlike, this can be done by separate requests to MiniM support:

Installation of Cache Tools consists of two steps:

  • Installing executables
  • Installing server-side routine in Cache

Installation of executables depends of the operating system, and routine installation not.

Installers make the following subdirectory tree inside of installation directory:

bin - Cache Tools executables
doc - Cache Tools Documentation
rou - Cache routines for Cache Tools

Installing on Windows

Cache Tools Installer for Windows is windowed application and self-extracted executable. Installer have file name like the following:


This file name can vary from version to version.

After running installer asks directory to place Cache Tools executable, server routine and documentation.

Cache Tools Installer for Windows

After installing see Programs menu and expand the Cache Tools item. This menu item can looks different in depending of the Windows version.

Cache Tools in Windows Menu

Installing on Linux

Cache Tools installer for Linux is a self-extracting executable and must be run in Linux terminal. Installer requires sudo command, so current user must be in the sudoers group. Cache Tools for Linux have two installers in depending of architecture - i386 or x64. Installer file have a filename like the following:


After downloading installer it is an ordinal file so before executing this file must get executable rights. Run the chmod command:

chmod +x setup-cachetools_1.25_linux-x64
chmod +x setup-cachetools_1.25_linux-i386

Execute installer under the sudo:

sudo ./setup-cachetools_1.25_linux-i386 

Installer shows common information and asks the directory where executables must be placed:

Cache Tools 1.25 Installer.
Copyright (C) Eugene Karataev
Switched to install mode.
Enter installation directory or press Enter
to use default /var/usr/cachetools : 
Processing binary files...
Processing desktop files...
Installation of Cache Tools 1.25 complete.
To uninstall run installer with option -u.

After installer ends, see menu of the Linux.

Cache Tools for Linux in the Development Menu

This common menu contains Cache Tools Launcher, small window from where can be run Cache Routine Editor, Cache Global Editor and Cache Tools documentation.

Cache Tools Launcher for Linux

Installing on MacOSX

Cache Tools Installer for MacOSX is a self-extracted executable installer and have a filename like the following:


After download it is ordinal file and before executing change executing rights in terminal:

chmod +x setup-cachetools_1.25_darwin-i386

And next this installer can be executed in terminal under the sudo command:

sudo ./setup-cachetools_1.25_darwin-i386

Cache Tools 1.25 Installer
Copyright (C) Eugene Karataev
Switched to install mode.
Enter installation directory or press Enter
to use default /var/usr/cachetools :
Processing binary files...
Installation of Cache Tools 1.25 complete.
To uninstall run installer with option -u.

After installer ends click the Applications folder:

Cache Tools for MacOSX placement

After there must appear folder with installed applications:

Cache Tools Launcher for MacOSX placement

This is an icon to run special Cache Tools Launcher to run Cache Routine Editor, Cache Global Editor and Cache Tools documentation.

Cache Tools Launcher for MacOSX looks like the following:

Cache Tools Launcher for MacOSX

Server Part

Server-side part of Cache Tools is a TCP/IP daemon. Is is special background job which wait incoming TCP/IP connection and run child process for each instance of Cache Routine Editor or Cache Global Editor. This part was written in MUMPS and contains in the %ZSRV routine.

Cache Tools Installer saves routines in both RSA and XML formats in the /rou subdirectory where Cache Tools was installed.

To import this routine go to the Cache portal, select the %SYS database and import the zsrv.rsa file. Or run the Cache Studio and import this routine in XML format from the %zsrv.xml file. This files contains the same routine and differs only by formats.

Routine can be loaded using Cache Portal, Cache Studio, or from terminal

USER>zn "%sys"
%SYS>d $System.OBJ.Load("path/to/%zsrv.xml","C")

This commands will import routine with compilation.

Or use the %RI utility in the %SYS namespace:

USER>zn "%sys"
%SYS>d ^%RI
Input routines from Sequential
Device: path/to/zsrv.rsa
Parameters? "RS" => 
File written by OLD %RO on 04 Dec 2015   
   4:20 PM with description:
Cache for Windows NT^^Export 1 routines 
   from database USER^~Format=Cache.S~
( All Select Enter List Quit )
Routine Input Option: all Routines
If a selected routine has the same name as 
  one already on file,
shall it replace the one on file? No => Yes
Recompile? Yes => Yes
Display Syntax Errors? Yes => Yes
^ indicates routines which will replace those 
  now on file.
@ indicates routines which have been [re]compiled.
- indicates routines which have not been filed.
1 routine processed.

In all places where %RI asks what to do, enter first letter of your answer and press Enter, utility completes answer.

After this routine is ready to work. To run daemon open terminal or telnet and execute in any database code to run daemon:

USER>d ^%zsrv
Cache TCP server ^%zsrv.
Cache TCP server ^%zsrv has been run.

By default, daemon waits incoming TCP/IP connection on the port 5001. To change this value, enter the port number (for example, 5055) into settings global:

USER>s ^%SRV("port")=5055

This value is used on the daemon starting. So stop the daemon by running:

USER>d stop^%zsrv

And run again:

USER>d ^%zsrv
Cache TCP server ^%zsrv.
Cache TCP server ^%zsrv has been run.

If this %zsrv daemon active, Cache Tools can be run and connected to this InterSystems Cache instance.

To run Cache Tools daemon automatically on Cache start, edit special %ZSTART routine. Label SYSTEM in this routine Cache Execute each time when starts. So, add after this label code to run Cache Tools daemon like the following:

    ; Cache starting
    d ^%zsrv

To see more information about %ZSTART routine, see InterSystems Cache documentation.

While daemon works, he writes diagnostic messages to builtin Cache log file cconsole.log.

After client executables installed and server-side routine imported, Cache Tools are ready to run and define connection definitions.

See next part, Cache Tools overview

Download Cache Tools
Documentation in one PDF file

Eugene Karataev

Copyright (C) Eugene Karataev
Info Support